Thursday, April 7, 2011

3 Weeks

We found out today it may be three more weeks until we get our baby.  The Easter holiday closes all the courts in Colombia for a week so that is the reason for the delay.  I am at peace with it, although I would love a surprise call that says, "can you get on a plane tomorrow?" 

We are bringing gifts to the orphanage staff, social workers and physical therapists that worked with Stefania. The problem is I have no idea what to bring them.  It can be trinkets or candy, etc. but what should I get them?  They are in Cali which is a hot place, otherwise I would get them all pashminas.  Anyone have ideas?  I am open to suggestions.


  1. Hey Aimee - We always bring gifts to the "old country" whenever we visit. We would bring - clothes, perfume, small electronics, and other house gifts like little knick knacks - pretty vases, little statuettes that sort of thing. All were always appreciated. Good luck! Thanks for the blog, I am praying for you! Love, Andrea

  2. I'm excited! Ready for the video interview!
